But wait! Behind all the celebration and midst of fun, there are many other people who are struggling with their life. Yet, within every storm that comes our way in life, there is a 'hidden message' for us to become better people and to make a difference in the lives of others. Indeed, in some parts of people's lives, there may be darkness. But just by lighting up a candle, it provides light, hope and warmth.
So friends, can we not just be self-minded or love only oneself? Can we spread the love of Jesus to those we cherish around us and those who are lonely, hopeless or broken-hearted? "For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. I believe together we can make a difference in others life, for God call us to be the 'salt of the earth and light of the world'!
With light, love and hope, darkness shall be overcome!
Agnes :)
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