Sunday, February 1, 2009


Hey guys and gals... it's been a long time since we update tis blog.. Let us continue to post something into tis blog... ok? So as many of us are busy with our own careers, let us continue to pray to God. Let's make room for God to speak, fellowship with us. And if God really have one ''need'', den His need is to fellowship with us. I believe what Pst Tan said two weeks ago, ''You are called to be human beings, not human doings.'' God created Man after everything was done so that we can have fellowship with our Abba Father. So the only time that we can fellowship with God is through prayer. In a prayer, there's only God and you. So we should enjoy the time ''fellowshipping'' with God. Three things that we need to know about prayer:
1. Be open to hear from God in your prayers.(Acts9:8-12)
We should open up our ears when we pray. Because faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.
2. Be specific in your prayers.
Don't pray like, ''God bless my family'' etc cos you will never know when God is going to bless or to what degree God will bless your family.
3. Be persistant in your prayers.(Lk11:9-13)
Never give up until your needs have been met. So finally, i wanna wish u all a HAPPY and PROPEROUS NEW YEAR. 2009 will be a better year for all of us. All things are POSSIBLE, if we can believe.

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